

November 2023

Audio Player

Remember Our Redeemer

Sermon Title: Remember Our Redeemer
Sermon Passage: 1 Peter 1:13-25
1st Reading: Romans 6:16-22
2nd Reading: Hebrews 8:7-13
If you would like to be added to an automatic email with links to our sermon notes, powerpoint slides, and audio just email Bob at

Audio Player


Sermon Title: REPENT & BELIEVE
Sermon Passage: Leviticus 5:14-6:7; 7:1-10; Mark 1:14-15
1st Reading: 1 John 1:1-2:2
2nd Reading: Luke 13:1-19
If you would like to be added to an automatic email with links to our sermon notes, powerpoint slides, and audio just email Bob at

Audio Player

You Must Be Born Again

Sermon Title: You Must Be Born Again
Sermon Passage: Leviticus 4:1-13; 6:24-30; 2 Corinthians 5:21
1st Reading: John 3:1-16
2nd Reading: Romans 7:7-25
This sermon will be preached on 5 November (Dv).  The audio will be posted on 6-7 November (Dv).
If you would like to be added to an automatic email with links to our sermon notes, powerpoint slides, and audio just email Bob at

October 2023

Audio Player

Jesus Christ-Our Peace Offering

Sermon Title: Jesus Christ-Our Peace Offering
Sermon Passage: Leviticus 3:1-5; 7:11-36
1st Reading: Romans 5:1-8
2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:12-21
This sermon will be preached on 29 October (Dv). 
The audio will be posted on 30-31 October (Dv).
If you would like to be added to an automatic email with links to our sermon notes, powerpoint slides, and audio just email Bob at

Audio Player

Are You Pleasing to God?

Sermon Title: Are You Pleasing to God?
Sermon Passage: Leviticus 2:1-9; 6:14-23; 2 Corinthians 5:9
1st Reading: John 6:43-58
2nd Reading: Colossians 1:1-14
If you would like to be added to an automatic email with links to our sermon notes, powerpoint slides, and audio just email Bob at

Audio Player

Are You on the Altar?

Sermon Title: Are  You on the Altar?
Sermon Passage: Leviticus 1:1-9; 6:8-13; Romans 12:1-2
1st Reading: Ephesians 5:1-11
Romans 6:1-14
If you would like to be added to an automatic email with links to our sermon notes, powerpoint slides, and audio just email Bob at

Audio Player

Christ Our All-in-All

Sermon Title: Christ Our All-in-All
Sermon Passage: Leviticus 1-7; Hebrews 10:1-13
1st Reading: Psalm 110
2nd Reading: Revelation 5:1-13
Sorry, there is no audio for this sermon.
If you would like to be added to an automatic email with links to our sermon notes, powerpoint slides, and audio just email Bob at

Audio Player

Who Do You Desire? Feast of Tabernacles

Sermon Title: Who Do You Desire? Feast of Tabernacles.
Sermon Passage: Leviticus 23:33-37, 39-44
1st Reading: John 1:1-14
Revelation 21:1-8
If you would like to be added to an automatic email with links to our sermon notes, powerpoint slides, and audio just email Bob at

September 2023

Audio Player

Better Better Better

Sermon Passage: Leviticus 16; 23:26-32
1st Reading: Hebrews 9:11-28
2nd Reading: Romans 11:25-36
If you would like to be added to an automatic email with links to our sermon notes, powerpoint slides, and audio just email Bob at

Audio Player

Feast of Trumpets: Are You Ready?

Sermon Title: Are You Ready?
Sermon Passage: Luke 12:35-48
1st Reading: Ezekiel 33:1-11, 30-33
2nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
If you would like to be added to an automatic email with links to our sermon notes, powerpoint slides, and audio just email Bob at