August 2022
Beginning the Gospel Journey – the Call
Sermon Title: Beginning the Gospel Journey – the CALL
Sermon Text: Genesis 12:1-9
Sermon Notes (PDF)
1st New Testament Reading: Hebrews 11:8-19
2nd New Testament Reading…
God Opposes the Proud
Sermon Title: God Opposes the Proud
Sermon Text: Genesis 10; 11:1-9
Sermon Notes (PDF)
Old Testament Reading: Proverbs 16:5-19
New Testament Reading: Phili…
July 2022
Noah: Saved but Still a Sinner
Sermon Title: Noah’s Fall – Saved but still a Sinner
Sermon Text: Genesis 9:18-29
Sermon Notes (PDF)
First New Testament Reading: Galatians 5:16-26
Second New Testament Readi…
God’s Covenant with Noah
Sermon Title: The Glorious Gospel: God’s Covenant with Noah
Sermon Passage: Genesis 8:20-9:17
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 89:1-11
New Testament Reading: Hebrews 9:11-17
Sermon Notes (
The Glorious Gospel of Grace and Works
Sermon Title: The Glorious Gospel of Grace and Works
Sermon Passage: Genesis 6:1-22; 7:1, 16
1st NT: Matthew 24:3-14, 36-39
2nd NT: James 2:14-26
Sermon Notes (PDF)
God’s Long-Suffering
Sermon Title: The Glorious Gospel: God’s Long-Suffering
Sermon Passage: Genesis 6:1-12
1st New Testament Reading: Luke 13:6-9
2nd New Testament Reading: 2 Peter 3:14-18
Sermon Notes: (PDF)
Cain and Abel Contrasted
Sermon Title: Cain and Abel Contrasted
Sermon Passage: Genesis 4:1-8
1st New Testament: Hebrews 11:1-6
2nd New Testament: 1 John 3:4-12; Jude 11
Sermon Notes (PDF)
June 2022
Consequences of Adam’s Sin and the Glory of Christ
Sermon Title: The Consequences of Adam’s Sin and the Glory of Christ
Sermon Passage: Genesis 2:16-17; 3:11-24
Old Testament: Isaiah 53:1-12
New Testament: Romans 5:12-21
Sermon Notes (
The Mystery of Adam, Christ, Eve and the Church
Sermon Title: The Mystery of Adam, Christ, Eve, and the Church
Sermon Passage: Genesis 2:15-3:19
First New Testament Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:45-49
Second New Testament Reading: Ephesians 5:22-33
Sermon Notes (
The Goodness of God in Creation
Sermon Title: The Goodness of God in Creation
Sermon Passage: Genesis 1:4-16
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 107:1-15
New Testament Reading: Romans 2:1-4
Sermon Notes (PDF)